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  • What is a "RWD" website?

    Most of the early web design presets were mainly browsers of general household computers or notebook computers, so the size of the expected page was used when creating web pages. However, with the popularity of tablets and smart phones, the tradition The web design method can't satisfy all the web browsing devices. When using a small tablet or a smart phone to browse traditionally designed web pages, the page width is too wide, which causes the viewer to be inconvenient when browsing the page. In order to meet the needs of mobile phone viewers, the "mobile version" website is usually created in order to meet the needs of these groups. However, the mobile version of the website can solve the inconvenience of most mobile users browsing the web, but For companies that spend money on website construction, there will be an additional cost of website construction.


    In order to solve such a dilemma, more and more companies now choose to use the technology of Responsive Web Design (RWD) to create websites. RWD is also called responsive web design, multi-spray web design or responsive web design. Simply put, the web page will automatically change the width of the web page and page configuration with the resolution of the viewer's web browsing device. Can be presented in a format that is best suited for reading.


    The principle of RWD webpage is to use CSS3 to design the webpage screen in a percentage manner, so that when the webpage is browsed under different resolutions, it can automatically change the layout of the webpage page, because this technology solves the current webpage of smart phones and tablets. The inconvenience, so RWD web design and development technology has become a new generation of web design trends.

  • Return / Refund

    You will have a seven-day appreciation period (including holidays) from the time the goods arrive at your hand. If during this period, the goods have not been unsealed, used, non-human, caused by fouling, malfunction or any other factors, and in any of the following cases, "Small Days to Enjoy Life" accepts refunds and exchanges. .

    1.Kitchen utensils: Due to personal hygiene, such as the product has been opened, "small days to enjoy life" can not accept the return
    2.Leather goods, accessories and other accessories: the goods are unpacked, no return
    3.The product description itself indicates the goods that cannot be returned or exchanged.

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